
Xinye Lubricating Oil organized to celebrate the “March eighth Women’s Day” group building activities

2023-03-09 08:48:03

     On the occasion of the “38” international Working Women’s Day approaching, in order to further play the leading role of advanced women, enhance the enthusiasm of female workers, enhance cohesion, on March 8, Xinye Lubricating Oil Co., Ltd. held the activity to celebrate the “38 International Women’s Day” and “fun group building” in the north square of the company. Company Chairman Zhang Youyun, general manager Zhang Youju, sales general manager Zhang Xueliang and all the female employees all participated in this activity.

    First of all, general manager Zhang Youju delivered the opening speech, conveyed the blessing at the same time fully affirmed the achievements of all the female staff of the company in the past year, and on behalf of the company to all the female staff expressed warm congratulations! He pointed out that in the new era, the role of “half the sky” of women is more and more prominent, and their strength is more and more powerful. We female workers in Xinye should actively show their responsibility, contribute their strength and style, and write a new chapter of “women do not let men”.
    Then, under the auspices of the referee Zhang Guojie, the wonderful activities such as needle leading, collective rope skipping, tug-of-war were successively launched. Professional hosting, enthusiastic cheerleaders, and the struggle of the players, all added a lot of fun to the festive atmosphere.
    Women bloom youth, dream at the right time. After the activity, chairman Zhang Youyun in the speech, emphasized that the group building activities organized by the company aimed to the female workers in the company with high respect and holiday greetings, to encourage more female workers to see the best, unite and forge ahead. Over the years, the majority of female employees in Xinye, in the company’s production and operation of solid efforts, highlighting the self-improvement, perseverance, wisdom and open-minded new era of female style, has made an important contribution to promote the long-term development of the company.
    On that day, the leadership of the company issued a special customized 38 section welfare for all female workers, to celebrate the “38” International Working Women’s Day!

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